Digital transformation in agriculture: a prospective analysis of development and capacity for innovation


Nehrey Maryna

Ph. D, Associate Professor, Professorship at the Agricultural Economics and Policy Group, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Associate Professor of the Economic Cybernetics Department, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The paper discusses the potential positive and negative impacts of digital transformation in the agricultural sector. While digitalization has the potential to increase productivity, profitability, and environmental and social benefits, policymakers need to consider potential negative impacts such as limited adaptive capacity, poor rural infrastructure, and economic inequality. It also highlights a need for a local food policy that considers the potential benefits of digital for various types of farmers. The authors conclude that policymakers should clarify the role of new technologies in agriculture and consider how to integrate them with the knowledge and experience of farmers and workers.

The extensive digital transformation of many sectors of the economy is a result of rapid advances in information technology. Scientific discussions on development scenarios, research questions, and policies for agriculture digitalization are ongoing [1- 4]. International organizations and national governments are currently developing strategies and policies to integrate digital technologies into the agricultural sector [5,6]. Our paper aims to support this process by identifying the critical challenges associated with digitalization in agriculture and proposing solutions to address them. The findings will guide future research in this area and contribute to the development of a comprehensive strategy for the digitalization of agriculture.

The agricultural sector is gradually being transformed by recent advances in science and information technology, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, gene editing, data analytics, and vertical farming [7-10]. Digital transformation has the potential to increase agricultural productivity and profitability, and to deliver environmental and social benefits, although on smaller scales [11-13]. Positive impacts of digitalization in agriculture include higher yields, improved animal welfare, lower labor costs, youth and women participation, improved quality of life, and reduced environmental degradation. However, digitalization can also have negative impacts, such as limited adaptive capacity, poor rural infrastructure, consumer concerns about gene editing, increased energy consumption associated with vertical farming, and loss of jobs in rural areas. Therefore, further research and policy attention is needed to identify the negative impacts of these new technologies and to formulate a balanced policy for the digitalization of agriculture.

It should be noted that technological advances may increase the imbalance of power in the agricultural sector and favor large agricultural enterprises over small family farms that do not have the financial capacity to invest in new technologies. The impact of new technologies on mental health in farming is rarely discussed in the media and policy documents.

Practitioners have expressed concern that an over-reliance on machinery may undermine the expertise of farmers, advisors, and farm workers, although wider adoption of new technologies may improve the evidence base for decision-making. Policymakers should clarify the role of new technologies in agriculture and consider how they can be integrated with the knowledge of experience, rather than trying to replace it altogether.

Many national food policies have a limited focus on digitalization and agri-food technologies, particularly in terms of support for small-scale and agroecological farms. Without agri-food policies that promote and support local agroecological farmers, digital technologies will remain available only to those who can afford them, perpetuating economic inequalities between farms. Open-source technologies and the sharing of data are critical components of digitalization that have been shown to be effective for small-scale farmers, especially for those who are outside of the corporate precision farming sector. A more equitable and sustainable digital agriculture system can be achieved by adopting open-source tools and increasing public funding for technology.

Localized food policies should also take into account how digitalization can benefit different types of farmers, and incorporate locally appropriate technological innovation mechanisms into policymaking. A focus on digital innovation at the local level can contribute to broader policy changes at the national and global levels, particularly in terms of gaining support for improved digital infrastructure.


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