Еnsuring economic security in the context of digitalization


Сhepeliuk Marharyta

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics


The search of new ways of providing of economic security acquires all greater practical meaningfulness in connection with introduction of new digital technologies in the subjects of market. External and internal factors influencing on economic security of enterprise at introduction of digital technologies are investigational, and also offered to recommendation on the decline of risks in this sphere. Basic progress of digital environment trends are certain, threats that can influence on economic security of financial economic activity of market subjects are educed, the ways of decline of risks of their economic security are offered in terms.

Swift introduction of digital technologies in all spheres of life, including financial activity, providing of economic security acquires the special importance and there is one from key task for enterprises. In the conditions of new global reality, the processes of introduction of new digital technologies are accelerated in all spheres of economic activity of enterprises. As a result, remote work is everywhere inculcated at home and the controlled from distance studies.

The question of development of economic security must be analysed in the cut of two aspects: digitalization and digitalization or digitization of information of the system. The marked tendencies transform the tool called to provide economic security of economic subject substantially, first of all in the direction of change of channels that is pass information; innovative digital technologies that provide a digital economy as a new type of economic activity that include electronic goods and services that create electronic business and move forward these commodities to the virtual market are named electronic commerce. So, electronic-digital technologies double influence on economic security. From one side, they guarantee the possibility of providing of economic security, on the other hand, they generate new, not investigational risks and threats [1].

Professor K. Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), states that digitalization displaces a person from the production process, this leads to an excessive increase in unemployment around the world in the number of tens of millions of people. At the same time, digitalization opens up new unique opportunities for humanity that have an impact on political, economic and social systems [1]. Economists, based on statistical information, can analyze the ability of companies to adapt innovations to their activities. In the digital economy, innovative technologies integrate markets that create more competition and require more innovation and prompt response from management and management in order not to fall under the influence of internal and external threats [1].

The main directions for increasing the efficiency of the system of economic security of an economic entity are the following elements: development of internal provisions and concepts to ensure the economic security of the organization; development and testing of control procedures; adaptation and integration of IT systems and modern methods; automation of internal control processes; cost reduction when introducing innovative digital technologies; creation of an economic security service [2].

The issue of forming the economic security of the Ukrainian business sector in the context of digitalization has not been sufficiently developed, since the introduction of the digital economy into the production processes of enterprises has begun relatively recently. In this regard, economic security as a process and as a result is a new area of life and should be based on the solution of all the tasks in this area at the macro and micro levels. The business sector in Ukraine digitized by about 35-45%, depending on the field of activity [3;4].

As a result, the main ways for business strategies were proposed: to increase investment in the automation of production and business processes; move to cloud storage and implement cybersecurity measures. Also, the most demanded technologies in crisis conditions, in particular, in the conditions of the Covid-19 crisis and full-scale war in Ukraine, were the analysis of business processes and the provision of cybersecurity measures [1; 4; 5].

Digital transformation requires certain knowledge and skills to effectively carry out their own changes within organizations, and to be resistant to external challenges. To do this, it is important for them to have a long-term digital Strategy with clear goals and the possibility of its implementation with the help of responsible employees and thanks to the general culture of innovation in the company, which will ensure the overall economic security of the business entity.


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