Economic security as a component of Ukraine’s national security


Iryna Murenets

Ph.D (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

The abstracts of the report define the essence of the country’s economic security and its components. The current regulatory framework is analyzed and there are six levels of regulatory regulation of economic security in Ukraine.

Permanent transformation of factors of national development economics is largely actualized by research aimed at ensuring economic security Ukraine. Overcoming the economic crisis and martial law in Ukraine is one of the priorities of the policy security of the state. External aggression against Ukraine critically worsened socio-economic development, which strengthened macroeconomic imbalances and worsened prospects for further economic growth.

The theoretical basis of the study of the problematic economic security of Ukraine is, first of all, clarification of the essence of the concept of “economic” security”, its development and place in the national security system. Regulation of economic security of Ukraine is carried out using a number of regulatory legal acts. Analysis of the current regulatory framework allowed to highlight the following levels of regulation of economic security in Ukraine.

The first level of regulation that forms the main the law of our state is the Constitution of Ukraine [1].

The second level of regulation is formed codes of Ukraine, i.e. codified collections of regulatory acts: economic, civil, criminal, Tax, Administrative, Customs Codes etc.

The third level of regulation is formed by the Law of Ukraine “On the fundamentals of national security” of Ukraine”, which is basic in relation to the studied question [2].

The fourth level of regulation is forming other laws on security or activities of subjects of economic support security: “On the prosecutor’s office”, “On the Service security of Ukraine”, “On protection against unfair competition”; «About protection economic competition”, etc.

The fifth level of regulation is formed by laws, i.e. regulations issued on the basis of the law, in accordance with the law and aimed at implementation by specifying legislative prescriptions or the establishment of primary norms. The dominant place among which is occupied by the Strategy national security of Ukraine No 287/2015 [3].

The sixth level of regulation is formed from local regulations of bodies of local self-government, subjects management, etc. Regulatory document giving official definition of economic security is Methodical recommendations for calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine [4]. According to this document, economic security is the state of national economy, which allows you to maintain resilience to internal and external threats, to provide high competitiveness in the world, economic environment and characterizes the ability of the national economy to sustainable and balanced growth.

The economic security of the enterprise directly affects the national economic security of the country. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the forms of manifestation of economic security at the level of enterprises. Effective use of the resource potential of the enterprise, the presence of competitive advantages of the enterprise, the state of economic development of the enterprise, protection of enterprises from internal and external threats, harmonization of the interests of all stakeholders of the enterprise, stable functioning and opportunities for continuous development of the enterprise, etc.

Economic security, as an economic category, is a defining component of national security of Ukraine and has a rather complicated internal structure, which is confirmed by multi-vector views on its definition by scientists. Taking into account the current situation in the Ukrainian economy, problems of economic security, search methods and ways to protect the economy of Ukraine as never relevant and in need of further Research.


  1. Konstytutsiia Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy №254k/96BVR. (1996), available at: l_doc2.nsf/link1/Z960254K.html [in Ukrainian]
  2. Pro osnovy natsionalnoi bezpeky Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy № 964BIV. (2003), available at: [in Ukrainian]
  3. Stratehiia natsionalnoi bezpeky Ukrainy, zatverdzhena Ukazom Prezydenta Ukrainy № 287/2015. (2015), available at: [in Ukrainian]
  4. Metodychni rekomendatsii shchodo rozrakhunku rivnia ekonomichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy, zatverdzheni nakazom Ministerstva ekonomichnoho rozvytku i torhivli Ukrainy № 1277 (2013), available at: [in Ukrainian].