Ivanov Roman
Dr.Sci. in Economics
Busygin Volodymyr
PhD student
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Kozenkova Vladyslava
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine


System analysis of blockchain technology. Blockchain has many tasks to be addressed for full-scale implementation. One of the most essential is the problem of decentralized data storage. The network is constantly growing during its operation, which leads to uncontrolled amounts of data. Furthermore, to enter the network by a new member, one has to synchronize a massive amount of data. [1-2]. Another essential task is to ensure trust in the system. One of blockchain’s main problems is the data reliability that encourages practical encryption algorithms. They must guarantee sufficient cryptographic strength for information on the network and allow the digital signature [3]. Hereof, we consider unique algorithms for concurrent access and collision resolution in network.

Unique algorithms for concurrent access. Currently, unique algorithms for concurrent access and collision resolution in the network are applied:

– PBFT - a request to add a block is sent to all participants, and everyone computes the hash of the next block, followed by sending their solution to the rest of the participants. As a result, each participant receives an array of responses and receives a response with a total probability of 0.5.

– PoW – network nodes (miners) solve the problem of computing the hash of the next block with a specific condition.

– PoS–PoW alternative, algorithm does not require enormous computing power.

– Some resources (Burn, Space, Bandwidth) are PoW and PoS varieties.

Analysis of blockchain technology “credibility” logical model based on RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm. Consider RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm [4]. First, two primes p and q are selected, Further, based on relations:

\[ n=q \cdot p \tag{1} \] \[ \psi(n)=\psi(pq)=(p-1)(q-1) \tag{2} \]

find the module for the public and private key and the module’s Euler function (2). Then an integer \(е\) (open exponent) is selected from \(1\) to \(\psi(n)\) (co-prime with \(\psi(n)\) ). Usually, as e the primes are taken containing a small number of one bit in binary notation, but not too small, for fast exponentiation.

Then we find integer d, corresponding to the equation (3): \[ d \cdot e \ mod \ \psi(n)=1 \tag{3} \]
Thus, a private key \({d, n}\) and a public key \({e, n}\) are formed to help encryption:

\[ c=m^e\cdot mod\ n \tag{4} \]
and decryption:

\[ m=c^d\cdot mod\ n=c=m^{ed} \cdot mod\ n=m \cdot mod\ n=m \tag{5} \]

of the data.

Where in \(m<n\), \(c\) are encrypted data, \(m\) are unencrypted data, \(mod\ \psi(n)\) is the range of values (the more, the better).


The thesis presents a systematic analysis of blockchain technology and its application features, considers the internal logic (encryption, consensus). The blockchain technology can be applied in the traditional distributed financial and economic systems implementation and the framework of corporate information support systems for the products’ life cycle in the implementation of synchronous design technologies as a distributed ledger. The approach allows ensuring project activities synchronization of the distributed development team and production.


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  4. Rivest R., et al. A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems//Commun. ACM New York City: ACM, 1978. 7 p.